Tuesday, February 2, 2021



From the HEART of a true INDIAN: I am an INDIAN citizen by birth and carry a very strong feeling for my country as well as for every fellow INDIAN. For the last few months what’s happening in my country on the issue of FARM BILL has really given me a HEARTACHE. This blog is not about benefits vs shortcomings of the bill but I would like to share my heart feelings on the ongoing protest through this very first BLOG of mine.

What ever happened on Jan26, 2021 on REDFORT was really unfortunate and unexpected. Its not that I am against any religious flag but I personally believe that religious flags are meant for religious places only and NATION’S FLAG for national monuments. Tomorrow some other religion people will come and will unfurl their flag at the same place which may lead to a huge communal controversy. I believe every Indian may not come under one religion flag but all religions of India can come under one common flag of INDIA(TIRANGAA). We live in a DEMOCRATIC country not in a COMMUNAL one

I have full FAITH that all the farmers sitting in protest are not TERRORISTS but I have DOUBT that few TERRORISTS may be sitting there as farmers. These anti-national elements may not be able to create a separate state but they have really succeeded in creating state of hard feelings in so many HEARTS. They have achieved their mission in disrupting the peace and harmony. Imagine current situation, a brother opposing a brother, 2 friends who used to eat together are arguing with each other, student teacher relationship has lost its sanity, blocking unblocking each other on social media and what not. There is a fierce competition between pro and against followers. One is showing bleeding FARMER and other one is proving his/her point by showing pic of injured POLICEMAN. Hatred is radiating like anything. That's exactly what these anti national, anti social elements wanted and that’s what they have achieved. Unfortunately our enemies don't need bullets or bombs to destroy us, for them one RELIGIOUS FLAG is enough (may be of any religion) and there you see cataclysmic effect of HATRED for each other. One thing worth realization is, either its the blood of a KISAN or blood of a JAWAN, ultimately its the blood of BHARAT MAA ki SANTAAN. Today a cop might eat food produced by a farmer whom he lathi charged but tomorrow same farmer might be protected by a cop whom he stone pelted. We don't live in an independent world nor in a dependent world but certainly in an INTERDEPENDENT WORLD. We all need each other, if BHAGWAN is important so is BHAKT, if AUTHOR is important so is READER, if producer is important so is consumer, if KISAN is important so is JAWAN and if AGITATION is important so is PEACE.

Through this blog I wish to request every fellow Indian to rise above your personal emotions and work together as a team, as a family to maintain peace and harmony so that we can take our country constructively forward . This agitation is temporary(till both parties arrive at a common platform)but it should not create a PERMAMENT dent in our relationships. Lets FORGIVE each other and FORGET how harsh they were. In such a volatile situation lets work together on a common goal of “COMPLETING EACH OTHER INSTEAD OF COMPETING WITH EACH OTHER” — — — — — —                                          MANISH SHARMA, an INDIAN